Oh, that. I already have one of those, and it is more than adequate. But thank you for the gesture. So, did you somehow acquire an extra, or do...
Hmmm... alright, so... let's see, what could it be? What is the scale of this thing? Is it measured in weight or length? Pounds or inches?
Okay.. I dig.. go on...
OooooooOOOoooooooooooh! whatisitwhatisitwhatisitwhatisitwhatisit!???!
No kidding, did you? What were you doing up in the sky? Interesting... the weather forecast hadn't said anything about Gophers in the skies that...
Don't mention it. It was an honor. :D
Good news Goph. I may be getting an xbox today. Or soon. I wanna play this map!
Wow, that was quick. We sure got some speedy mail delivery service. You know, I don't think those guys get enough respect. lol It was a...
Yeah, well I think this topic's gone about as far as it's going to. LOCK
For all you news freaks at FH... (CNN) -- President Bush made a farewell visit Sunday to Baghdad, Iraq, where he met with Iraqi leaders and was...
I knew you would. But really, all I'm saying is that when someone is factually and fundamentally wrong about something, then I will make it known...
Wow kid, calm down. Srsly. It's gunn b k. For one, I didn't notice much insults in that thread, just debating. But I suppose I could be mistaken;...
Why are you suprised that someone with a high standing would say that they normally don't stoop to insults? I don't. But you know what, I'm only...
I'm so sad I don't have my xbox now G04. You've got some amazing projects in the works and I've been wanting to see this finished for awhile now....
Wow, what idiotic babble. I sincerely hope you got a failing grade on your school essay. Because if not, your teacher is not doing his job. For...
No problem man. Thanks.