I'm gonna go ahead and vote no, just for the fact that I never really liked the Premium rank to begin with. I don't like it because it's too much...
It's out. Cyclopean v2 is in my fileshare. Slot 10, I think. Let me know what you think of the update. :D
No. I just always wanted to drive a transport hog filled with rocket guys. 'Cause I mean really, what's more badass than that? Rocket Transport...
Any ideas on what to name the 4th one guys? If I wanted to be obvious I could go with "Rocket Hog" I suppose... Other choices are.... I dunno....
Thanks, but I'm curious as to what people like the least out of the 4. I'm trying to decide on the best three pictures.
[IMG] Escape [IMG] Legend [IMG] Happy Birthday [IMG] [unnamed] Please vote on which is your LEAST favorite screenshot. Feel free to...
Thanks. I think it turned out ok. He may not be totally sincere, but at least I got him to take my suggestions and apologize and all that. At...
It's an RTS, not an RPG. RTS - Real Time Strategy RPG - Role Playing Game Just because HaloWars isn't a first person shooter doesn't mean...
You're not being cussed out. All this negative attention you're receiving right now is because of your childish behavior and because you spammed...
Listen, stop getting an attitude. You're being ridiculous. If you can't figure out how to post a map onto the forums by reading the FAQ, then...
That's something that you can figure out for yourself if you were to read the rules and FAQ. What I meant in my earlier post is that you have to...
Listen.. I saw that conversation you had with squidhands, and I saw all those spam posts you made. Rank on this site, besides Loyal rank or...
I've heard about it, but since it takes a lot of time and repitition I'm not that interested. I'd rather play the game as it was meant to be...
Definitely. I've already started my new Orange Knight. Level 10.
Uh... this sounds pretty shady. Kinda like the rep whores from back in the day. So, No thanks. Besides, I've never even heard of your map.
Nope. I live in Georgia. The Duke of New York thing comes from an episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force. LINK
Oh, and I'm working on revising and updating Cyclopean now. So keep an eye out for that. I'll try to remember to let you know when it comes out.
Wow, awesome. Maybe if you make another vid for Amalgam you can use one of the songs that inspired it's name. Mother Superior by Coheed and...
Wow dude, thanks for the video. I had no idea... I was pretty suprised. Thanks man.
Awesome, Sarge. AWESOME. I literally heard you singing that in my head when I read that. You win. Thanks. Have some cake. :D