Well I've only been trying to figure out since yesterday what's going on and no one would tell me anything, so I would appreciate to know...
So now I'm the jealous one. What's it like?
I don't know what you're talkin about, lol. Cosmic, Draw The Line and Devinish are the ones with the new maps. Not me.
Wha??? I'm still confused. ForgeHub is like this crazy soap opera on Telemundo that I don't understand. So crazy... It would be nice though if...
Probably not until Sandbox comes out. Though I do have a few projects planned with G043R, and I do have a map on Foundry that's about 75% done...
I see... Seems to me like he's struggling to come up with the responses he does. They're all rather weak and don't go much farther than "get a...
I went looking just now at some things this guy said... wow. You found yourself quite the catch Sarge. I'm gonna enjoy watching this one. *grabs...
LOL Sarge. You seriously own. Keep using your powers for good dude. You do such an excellent job at wasting the idiots.
D'oh! I'm still such a noob at this visitor's message thing...
No time. I'm going to bed now 'cause I work early tomorrow. So I can't get on Halo to take pictures. G043R will just have to download the map to...
I know, I saw that. That sucks dude. We're gonna have to try to get it again - this time paying more attention to the fine print. LOL Already...
Like I already said to Shock... I know that most Premiums are loyal material, but that doesn't make every fool who makes 2 featured maps worthy of...
If you don't mind, and if you have the time, I'd appreciate your thoughts on my post here.
It is not the same thing, but it is very similar. What was the Guilder rank? A rank of premium forgers who were promoted because they showed that...
Might as well call it Guilder. From the start Premium was a rank to replace the gap Guilders left behind, and I'm assuming, to quell the...
kk. I'm getting on now.
I know. A lot of them do deserve to be there. I'm just saying that it doesn't make sense to allow access to a forum meant to help the staff and...
Not my computer, and the person who owns it doesn't want me installing anything. My situation right now is complicated... sorry. :( Can you not...
I can get on my xbox and sign into messenger if you want. My name is flood132@aol.com
I just don't like how it seperates them from the normal members of the community. I don't think there should be this big focus on the forums side...