looks good kinda reminds me of halo 2's sancutary cuz well the structure.....and middle.......yah......good job....4/5 dl for me
looks amasinging
looks rlly good DL fore me even tho i dislike snipes i like this one becuase it has ALOT of cover so u can escpe lol gj 3.5/5
nice map nice map but in the wrong spot it should be in the athsetic maps.... but still looks like a half good ship 3.5/5 :)
........ ..............yah......................................this is...................you know................ let me draw a picture -.-...
just saying to thank you all for you comments and advice and also your lvoing support lol
ty and i am dying to ask you..do you have a lonly heart club band? lol go beatles!
looks good i am dl'ed and nicely interlocked only thing is from what i see you have to crouch and it wont be that fast but still looks fun :) gj
heyy as you can see my name is Brain Hacker and i made a map my first offical called Broken Highway! I made a post about this map went away for...
Thank you thank you sooooooo much! i finally see the way to a great map.........thanky you much
:) ty so much for the quick fix
good job wow this looks really good i really want to play but sadly no link come on......well looks good
good job wow man good job I play it alot but i h8 how if you spwn in the theater ur kinda screwed.........besides that it's a FANTASTIC map gj
Heyy yo I hear you just cuz your young they bust on you like nice voice and stuff really anoyying but it feels good to kick there ......butt lol...