nice map good bowl overal nice map 4/5
looks great nice map 5/5
Tgif this is a great map i played it the first time in TGIF and it played really well great map 5/5
looks good maby i will dl l8ter like others say just clean it up a bit and add more cover but nice first post and welcome to FH :)
looks good but its been done good job tho 4/5
looks fun dl and a 4/5 for me :)
great job just by the picture i can easily tell u doubleed the size of lockout errr black out lol great job 5/5
looks good Dl for me gj 4/5
looks amazinging defanlty a Dl and a 5/5 for me
looks a little sloppy great ideads but u should defatly have another version were i kleen it up a liittle gj tho Dl for me 3/5
loks great definatly a Dl for me i love the holes formed by the bridge creative gj 4/5
looks good great movie n book lol finally a good version i've seen other maps but they didnt do it wel gj 4/5 Dl for me
looks good DL for me but how does those teleporteers work ad the end is it a anti cheat if soo.....well loks godd dl for me :) 3/5
yah its this mario cart not .... lol w/e still good job did u have rocket race teritories?
gj i played with a 4v4 team slayer rlly good game play love the doors it would be even beter if u closed off the sides so the only way in was the...
looks great rlly great love how it closes behind u and the dorr bell lol wat if it was a zombie! ahhahahahah lol gj dl for me 4/5
LOVE IT ASWOME gj this is alsome but is ther a base or something behind it ? still even if it isnt i can tear it apart and learn! yah ! ty gj 5/5
looks good i love how u gave the boring old I AM LEGEND maps a new fresh fealing gj 4/5
heyy looks good i LOVE how u didnt even use any of the pree made lockout lol errr umm blackout isnt a good race track gj 3.9968893959375/5 DL FOR ME!
gj looks good like other say looks like i'd get lost but that's fun i love not noing were i am then u turn the corner! o the rush .....yah........