looks good kinda looks like the ogrianal in TF2 like every1 said no armory use scattered weapons and i didnt see any cover in between teritorries...
looks really good very origanale never seen anythiong like it gj Dl for me :)
OK! stop post about how it isnt up 2 standerds 4 ppl told him only 1 is enought jeez but i llooked at tthe map and it has potential its ok
LOL ROFL LOL ROFL LOL ROFL LOL ROFL COPTER N00bS CAKES LOL ROFL I love how u had the idead of this map it made me LMAO lol hahah cant stop laught...
NICE JOB looks great absolutly delicious mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm tower lol FIRST POST! 4.5/5
yah donest look good at all no creativity and the asthetics dont get me started so yah 1.5/5
yah it gives they INVACIABLITY so they can kill them o yah look at my new sign boydy made it for me :) TY BOYODY I LOVE YOU
looks good but kinda sloppy fix it up 3/5
looks good but i dont like the death feild it would make lots o lag ......lag = bad
HOLY @!%* THIS LOOOKS amazing your interlocking skills are truely remarkable WOW! 999999999999999999999/5 GREAT JOB!
lol yah it suck alot wen i am infected lol i suck at sniper but thanks THANK U SPEEDY i just saw ur comment i am playing one fixing it and I LOVE...
Well......that was a REALLYYYYY REALLYY big influence right after i saw that track i made me think of this lol
How it came to be: Hello everyone ass you can see my name is Brain Hacker and this is my 2nd map YAH!!!!!! and i recently failed at making a...
wow looks PRIMA!! lol well you did shoot hight but u went pretty close to the best i only seen 1 better one lol so AMZING! map GJ 5/5
good idea but the walls looks crooked so if you would make a nother version and clean it up maby inerlock it would looks alot nice
wow looks great when i first clicked the link i though it was going to be a total ripoff of grifball but wow man u did it u gave this a wooping...
wow looks good one of the best cnr maps i've seen Dl for me 4.5/5
wow! never saw thhe town before but loved the plain huricane map but this is just..... SHAMWOW! lol i just watched that commerical lol w/e so any...
O M G great job looks good i am going to make a map around this i am bookmarking it TY
wow nice job i love the harvest movies but cant seem to find them any1were well anyway great jib