I put in my feedback. I don't play Halo anymore, but Its a good idea nonetheless.
Its refreshing to see the amount of people who actually have a memory past the 360. Those who say GoW or Halo 3 probabley haven't played enough...
No, it won't, for a few reasons that made Forge popular: 1. It won't be on the 360, so all the console gamers that can't figure out how to install...
Hai. :0
Another return-er! Welcome thar.
Yeah the coloring all fits togother perfectly.... and the game is liek the best evur.
I think it was pretty obvious that China would try something ridiculous like this. Chances are that people will be finding more things like this...
I'm liking the new sig.
Wow. That's friggen amazing. The words from speeches were extremely well done Nice find.
Its simple for my likes, but that's cause I'm used to games like cyber nations and Ogame :P
No, I haven't had Halo for some time now. The only two I did were 7 (the one with you) and 8.
"when we were with Lockdown, Technomonkey, etc." aka the best one ever
:D If everyone did that Forge Hub wouldn't have any maps, but it would still be a wicked awesome place. Welcome to da' Hub.
Now that I'm remembering... that game was probably on at least my top 10 list :D
GT: TheGodfather808 Add me. I'm kinda used to this kind of stuff happening to accounts, but nonetheless, it still sucks.
Lol Thanks Hippo :D
Tactics Advanced for the GBA. One of the deepest games I've ever played. Only stopped because I lost the cartridge :D
That's what I thought, but I wanted to make sure. btw, hi. okay bai now. :0
Ascuuse me, but my pants are on fire. What should i do?
"Current Activity: Admin Control Panel " o.O