Talk about why I don't have Halo, yet still listen to the ForgeCast.
I'd say I'm a small reviewer, I only really post something if it really sticks out, and If I don't notice anything, I don't bother posting.
This makes too much sense :P I live in an area where atheism/agnostic rates are super-low, and its easy to see the connection between the two...
Yeah recently Dom isn't as well known for forging becuase people have forgotten the Shell Shocked contest.
Yeah I'm satisfied.. I've got his and everyone else's to possibly use later so I'm fine, I guess I'll lock this.
Wow.. I don't really have much to say to that except... you obviously have great multitasking skills.
Thanks everyone lol, I only needed one, but I like all of them so I'm going to save them all and switch it up every now and then. Thanks!
Hmm actually I think I'm gonna go with TDH's, I like the landscape in the background and the TV screen effect, although sdra's was cool too. +rep...
Sweet thanks man.
Nah, I don't have any specific render for it... its not really for any game anyway.
Elle there, graphics people. I have a special request that doesn't really have anything to do with forge hub, but it'd be awesome if one of you PS...
Hardly. You could still have a doorway/hole in the wall that is covered by the first wall, that doesn't actually prove anything was changed. :/
If this is true (which I highly doubt) then I might buy Halo... I wouldn't get your hopes up, that could just be a map under-construction...
Whats with everyone and their hot girl avatars!?!/??
have fun
oh... umm.. okay. [IMG]
actually it was more of a woo but with a "h" for effect
umm... k o.O