The arctic. I'm sorta back now. Kinda. Still don't play Halo, but by the looks of things, this site isn't just about that anyway. That's cool.
hello there
Welcome to the Forging Site of Hub... or somthing.
nope. Haven't touched my 360 in a good 3-4 months. I still go on here for some reason. I might become more active after volleyball ends :P
You people are really bad at the Internet.
Meh, I probably won't, mostly because any map editor is going to be inferior to modding a game engine like I can do with me (new) laptop.
Yeah, I haven't touched my 360 in a few months now. My live ran out, and I don't have Halo anymore :P. Now I just play Guild Wars and Crysis.
Busy, as can probably tell based on my activity level. School back up & volleyball take up most of my life now. And I'm doing some of the...
probably best on my team. HS JV, Ill play Varsity next year
Ive been pretty busy, school then volleyball, so i dont have much free time :/
Lol, I decreased you back to 3 bars with my +rep.
Does anyone remember games that came out before the 360 existed? Just wondering.
OK, I'm officially trolling this thread now, but just wondering, can you elaborate on why?
LOL. You haven't played many games, have you? Trust me. Those games are epic-awesomesauce compared to some others.... ... So you hate CoD...
Halo 3. I know this is the wrong website (lol) to post it, but screw you! The topic said I could! Its not so much that I hate the game itself....
I'm looking forward to the release of Perfect World which is not very well known. Come to think of it, most games I'm looking forward are pretty...
Pan's Labyrinth.. its Spanish if i remember correctly.
Yeha i guess not... at the top it says "Made by some buy (aka Xanon)" lol, w.e
Just wondering, you don't happen to be the guy who made GW TeamBuilder, are you?