I was going to say that we already have a remake from the late classic playlist and we don't need a hundred remakes of the same map and all that...
thanks guys, but I am starting a new character because I don't want to mess with my current setup. for leveling skills better (fortify...
you probably got HLGed Home - Hidden League Gaming for the uninitiated they get a few kills and hide in hidey spots. pretty funny until it...
pardon me but what exactly do you plan to achieve with this protest/demonstration that shows up on youtube every few weeks with a different set...
Is anyone else annoyed by that laggy thing where you assassinate a guy and then he pops back up and kills you. its real bullshit when you pull a...
I am at level 30, is it to late to learn archery or should I start a new character? I am a khajit incase the race bonuses matter.
first day of btb heavies. I end up on asphalt heavies and jump to the rocket hog gunner seat. three of my teammates walk right by me as I honk the...
I like to choose a map where you can get the skull near the beginning of the level in halo 3 (crows nest and halo works best) and smash the hell...
this looks great, the forging is clean and it really looks like you looked really hard at all the screenshots and the finished map looks spot on....
yeah that was an exaggeration, it is more like 0.399 of a sec or something :p
I like this map, you really put the high noon template too good use. I am a bit nervous about the teleporter 1 room having one entrance, (the left...
bleed through affected all damage including splash damage. it made the grenades a lot more likely to kill people as the grenade damage bursts...
my fave http://www.bungie.net/images/Games/Reach/intel/weapons/040510/gl.png one smooth son of a *****
there is a video somewhere explaining how doing that will shave like 0.988 seconds off your reload. i always do that with the grenade launcher...
My Thoughts: bleed through removal was a good idea in my opinion, it made grenades and pro pipes overpowered as funk and the gliching made the...
the map looks good, reminds me of damnation a lot. quick question, how do you pronounce nuiz? i cant seem to get it right in my mouth.
so basically its speedpile but with banshees and all of forgeworld is the map? i give you props for creativity but i cant shake the feeling that...
if i am not mistaken and the pump station is all there is then this map is probably ment for 4v4 or 5v5. and you want to put a banshee and a...
frost bite pretty well said what i was about to say, I think you could post it in the competitive maps section with a little editing. good luck...
I like the map but it looks like it needs some more safe spawn zones because it looks realy easy to spawn kill. nevertheless I will download