This is a thread for people to post 2 of their favorite Montages they've seen. If you come across one that you think should replace one of your...
Map Name: Ultrium Authors: xRoboArtistx, Frenchys Gametypes: Slayer FFA (more will come eventually) Recommended amount of players: 2-3....
teamwork - YouTube Happy Gooses - YouTube
What is it about tryhards and mlg players that dont seem to die when they are actually supposed to die? I know they strafe and all that crap,...
This is a new map ive been working on for some time now. Its asymetrical with a unique blend of downtown-like structure all throughout the map....
So ive been drawing lately. In boredom, this was made on the back of an incomplete assignment. Sadly, the teacher didnt add any extra credit for...
Im not in reach of my xbox right now to find out, but is this possible?. Ive had several minigame ideas in plan with it. if not, i can find...
Well... Not much to say, but I thought Id give you a small hint on what kind of stuff i do. (half of this stuff is old. My drawings are way better...
Unit My latest map, Unit. An asymmetrical team/FFA slayer fit for about 4 players. 8 players max. The theme is supposed to be a storage...
AMPHITHEATRE This is my entry to the "Wonders of the World" contest. It's modeling the ancient Roman Colosseum, as u might know... I had...
GALE Welcome to my new map, Gale. And yes, it's big as hell. I'd consider throwing down a 5v5/4v4 on this map. Sadly I havent tested it much....
Its pretty old but I'd like to share... Did it in art class [IMG]
Anti-Gravity v2 Hello and welcome to my latest map, Anti-Gravity... You might be aware of an older version of this map origionally created by...
Report this to be deleted if this has already been attempted, but I have failed to have found a thread on the topic. And though WoW has been...
REVIVAL Revival Gameplay (with download) - YouTube FORGING FLAWS IN VID ABOVE ARE FIXED just so you know... Revival Oddball Gameplay...
4 min flat. BOOM! U gonna challenge me? --------- >8 [IMG]
Create a playlist that will potentially suite the needs of alot of gamers that have problems with the current ones. Must be reasonable. Example:...
REVIVAL (work in progress. tell me what you think) I'm kinda liking the structure so far... If you have any ideas or want to assist, I'd...
Dont miss the end..! ____________________________________________________________________ Team Slayer Gameplay :: RoboArtist (me) - YouTube...
This is a little 1v1/2v2/Free-for-All map I made in celebration for being away from Xbox for about 4-5 months (yea i know, right?) Its not...