Its something i remember playing as a kid on the gamecube and after seeing this vid, Im dying to get MC points for it Let's Play - Alien...
The Fall of Pinterest - YouTube
Ive been at this tech camp lately and weve been using udk, and my project is to create a map suitable for deathmatch, so i decided to remake my...
I feel like this should be posted. Not out of entertainment or self purposes. Purely out of showing people how WWII went down. Ive seen alot of...
Halo: Reach Beta - Preview - YouTube By looking at this video, I cant help but notice the gameplay in the beta was alot smoother and just seems...
Ill Never be in a Montage :( - YouTube
[CENTER]These vids are very old, the quality isnt great, and capturing equiptment is outdated, but I feel this needs to be posted. Basics...
CROSSWALK by: xRoboArtistx and help from Frenchy's CrossWalk - YouTube Hello and welcome to my newest map, Crosswalk. I'm very...
I just made this because alot of octagon maps are dull and make me want to vomit. Well There's not much to say about this unless you're a total...
So cool. Battle of the Brick: Built for Combat - The Movie - YouTube
Since the FS system is up, and we are now able to release or maps to the public, I feel like many of us deserve a video of their map after several...
I made this map a long time ago on my old GT and I had an Idea to make another that looks better and where the zombies are provides more cover....
I claim none of these videos mine. Feel free to discuss some armor/skin/customize-able options for Halo 4. Express ideas, explain what can be...
Rage Quit - No Luca No - YouTube LOL
Reach Forge Map: Horizon - YouTube It was originally designed to be for invasion, but several friends insisted it was far too small for...
Foot Loose - YouTube
I sort of re-invisioned Narrows not long ago, and being a huge fan of the map, I decided to make it in a different way. Completely different. And...
So I made this thing the other day- - YouTube Minecraft: Mr Game and Watch (server: Nexus) - YouTube MineCraft Pixel Art: Weird...
Halo 3 First Ever Legit MLG Killionaire - YouTube