have u check out my new map Extinction, rate five stars i rate all of ur map five ,sorry for asking but somebody i think is voting my map down...
also please rate it as a five i think some one rated it a 3 because they dont like big team or they are trying to make my map look bad
hey man what up , can u give me good or helpful feed back on my map Extinction please ,also ur map DuneScape is up for feature over at forging...
I really like that idea about the mancannon thing because someone told me to make a bridge up to it but i really wouldnt like the look so having a...
i dont know u i saw u post on a map so i decided to ask u for ur opinion
yo ,check out my map Extinction
Ya, am taking full advantage and making sure everyone gives me there thought on the map because i really dont want to here to many complaints in...
this may sound weird but my 5 star on ur map wont pop up unless someone else rates it(like u)
can u try to get some action shots for ur map it gives everyone a better fell for maps before they download,Maybe u can check out my Extinction...
During objective game modes people that think strategy will have a sniper out there to defend them or stop the other team I think i know what u...
if u want me to i could put one of ur maps on my file share just tell me which one and after u tell me u could put my map Extinction on ur file share
i noticed ur map is getting more attention since we rated it
i guess he doesnt understand that high school is about 2-3 times harder than when he was in high school
on ur reflection map and my Extinction map or we can just make some stuff up but right now i am drawing up a remake of high ground on a peice of...
cool does being 17 suck right now, because for me my step dad sucks ,i hate him with a passion because he is such a jerk even after i just...
are u serios those maps looked very well put together maybe in about two week when i am on hopefully we can co-lab on two maps
so how old are u anyway,just wondering
can u check out my map Extinction please, thanks
it worked!!! sweet i guess i was right
yeah i dont know why maybe it needs two votes now to pop up try rating ur own thread