Make a full 360 picture- agree with you Tex completly.
Just make foundry bigger is wgat I say to do for that, at least there still releasing another map pack later in 08.
I got the Supreme from SUpreme Commader the game but, that was already taken so I thought 321 because the game for the Xbox 360 isn't out yet so...
Ok i'm wondering what is a gameplay downloade.
- Pictures are good but, gamplay may not be as good I say, syill 4.99999999999999
Don'y know ohw ot put box into the wall of any maps.
So you guys arent going to answere back to my replie.
Where's all the action+ the cops.
I can imagein a flare or something broght did this.
What in the name of anything is htis thread about anyway.
Good map I can say.
You just gave him ideas that maps that have been made out of, you , you gave him ideas for map that were going to be famous how could you.
I don't like the one with athe ship because it's just a ship nothiing else.