Ok for the guy who rights in blue someone aslked if I mrged items so i'm telling him. number two each base has the other powere up so if one...
nicely built, not enough cover improve on that =5/5 , right now is 4/5.
Sweet map man Nice job ,nothing to improve on 5/5.
That's a big AT-At walker- I still wish I ahd the nmap pac because this is a realy relay good map.
Good map - I wish I had legendary map pack... but, this is one of the best maps i've seen from avalanch, keep forging man.
4.5/5 brcause the vehicals when going on the ramp are hard to control+ thee isn't muvh space for fighting.
Ehst I would of done is that I would of made the weapons so people hae to work for them - not know where they are all the time and they just ait...
Better than Halo 3- sequal.
I would of have said about the weapons inside the map people are more intrested in this map so you could of got more downloads- agreed with you...
Very origonal and well bilt, looks very, very, very, and very built , straight everything is lined up.
No- the telle porters teleport ytou to other parts os th map so the battle is evenly distrobuted evenly. Not to be mean but, he's trying to make a...
Asome this is simpley asome you should make another one of these that would be realy good.
Pictures don't work use photobucket as described above+ be a little more descriptive in your map and try out different name like "Sparten Base...
Fix the picture, you should try photobucket.com to post, but, the description of the map is good over all.
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmgthat is a crazy screen shot it is like blunking fish in a barrel nice job.
Thanks because that gave me an idea for a new map to make I just thought of.
Thsi is a good map pack but, I would of givin them better names than you did lkike isn stead of "jokers are wild" I would call it many shaps or...
What you can do better- on the picture the left wing I see in the corner you could of merged with map geometry to make it llok better and neater.
He probaly took a picture of a bungie imploy and posted it here just for the popularity.
Here's how you do this ___________ ok put down a wall segment so it looks like this, use...