The map here is simple- good first map but,- add more weapon, more pics, see how the gamep lay will go out- does one side have more power than the...
The map I would say isn'y anyone style realy but, you can improve, add more to the palce becasue the base have a lot of detail and nothing else...
These map are outrages people shuoldn't be modding at all it just makes the game worse beacuse it slows it down and after peopel see it they thik...
A good map with a lot of fusin coils great job keep forging - notyhing wrong with map- give it a 4.5/5..
You mean zombie but, they are tempolary invicible for the start of the game, you'll have to run to live.
I don't get this map be a little more descriptive in your post and you will dfinetly get more downloads..
Hay guys what can be improved on in htism pa because I may make a remake one day in the future. Hey guys I thought you guys said this map is...
Thank you, hope fully you like the map + there will be a video of the lay out for this map soon.
Thank you ,this took some time to buld but, this is a good map even if its simple, ome day I may make A secound version of this but, for now its good.
Jungle Gym Created by Supreme321 Supported Gametypes: > Slayer > Oddball > Infection > King of Hill > Juggernaut Map Description This map is...
No morep ost looks like this form is going to be rapped up.
I never could never even try the Blackout map because I don't have that map pack so , I wish I could try it, it would be fun I guess and I like...
Good map - must of been hard to put the items so they looked exact on each side- good job
Did you read the descriptio nis saved his life the gernade.
Your sort of like me but, you play football, and instrement, run teack a lot longer than me , home school, and different age these are the only...
everyone like it here don't you know htta+ my mewest map Jungle Gym will be coming out soon.
Yay the picture need fixing completly , can't juj map until i've seen some pics. I never ssid the map wouldn't download.
Must of been hard to build with no floors to work off of and this map is one of the map that are as good as any of your other maps, nothing neads...
Make items more straight and you can have a 4/5 right now you have a 3/5, that's what would make the map a lot better.
Sorry-Duoble posted, I will try hard not to double post again.