How do you get up the side of hte hill it dosen't semem easy to do - bnut, if you can the mpa seems good then - I don't see naything wrong with...
Thsi map is too overpowere the zombies can't win they cdon't have guns a everyon just dies not a good map you should go back and review it and try...
I'll hekp you recreate the mapcand I have a few ideas we can try if you want me to help- also pretty good map.
He found all this stuff down by experimwnting ok- also these are good posts man and I xcan't even translate what this guy above me is saying at...
Again like other maps- SIMPLY SPEECHLESS oooooooommmmmmmgggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1). Can you go inside of the robot and if not so you should do that...
You bknow you copiecsomeone elses map of a dispenser youv should make your own maps - not other people maps that is one of the many ruler of...
It's ok we all make common mistakes and this is a pretty good map- nice job keep forging and never give up.
Yay - htism pa is good for weapons and is big but, so small for sniper like the guy abovem me said and thism ap is good without interlocking- also...
Sorry gorup leader for not posting more pics and did you like my map once you palyed it?
This isn't a good map - to make this better you need to make as much effortc as you did on the map as posting the map plus you shouldn't say...
Yes but, as said above you goto find out whatc poepel want not what you want- that's how you make a good map- just like my new map Junglr Gym I...
The map is good- but, I would of thought of a differen name as he said above because it dosen't god with the map- if this was a rum map with cags...
Nice desighn origonal- keep forging and the pics as pretty descriptive- better than mine KEEP FORGING
I don't know hot to do it man exacty but, put a door upside down on top of it+ it'll sink in half way and click on the object/box and let go...
Must be hard to build but, that may turn the map so it's realy good in the end- good sugestion.
where is the link- you shouldn't post if there isn't a purpose
I think peopel are posting in the wrong topic+ this is a big help good job heep up the good work.
Yay that would be a great adittion - you need sthe asencials first before you can make everything advanced map, try this when you make this map...
What I lwould do is watch all the videos like thec guy above me said and to surround the box to it can only go straight flat down that's the best...
Coll map but, I would make a secound one that is a little neater, could get you another 100 downloads, to a remake I say.