Yes this is a very good map but, little tweaks can make this map a lot better 9.6/10 my score.
Yes it's open but, there should be more cover to make thism ap better and more apealing to people.
Thsi is a good map with a fantastic post- 9.5/10 with a lottttttttttttt of pictures.
Thank you -this map , I may make a remake of that would be better because I know I can make this a lot better.
Thsi is a realy good map but, youb need more cover other than spool but, the map looks good overal.
This is a good wel built map- you made big objects- that aren't showing cracks to other rooms amazing detail you are a good forger.
You must Fix you pics by 9:12 tommmorow because the map must beto sight regulation and if you don't i'll have to report you.
I dind't sy anthing- didi you hear my suggetio nof the save with object in mid air and get flat surface.
Yay the map Is simple but, one of hte best ever i've seen with a lot of death in the map.
Ok - he's asked yo not to comment on the sloppyness he gets it LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!
Thank you , I try with pics but, i'm not very good at taking pictures.
OOOOO sound fun , can wait to play it- keeep forging.
Yes you should of moved it to the mini game section but this is a perfevt ma overall - good job.
OK chill out but, were trying to tell you way to make the map so when you make a secound version you'll know what to do so itv isn't sloppy.
I agree with you above me but, you should give him credit for trying.
Im sorry TX gost but, you siad to keep posting in your map-didn't you?
SSTTOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPP DOUBLE POSTINGGGG, even though this map is sloppy you can't say it's bad.
Well you could of put he objects in the air and save and reloded the map tirck that wqould make it straighter,ever think of that?
Where did yiu get that information from , he hasen't postec any pics yet.
I accepted your appology but, it's notveven my map or my team but, you shouldn't of soulbale posted.