I'm not a good forger either + I work slow so I think i'm a perfect match for you but, that's not my choice.
how can you hate every map other maps are better than this one but, you don;t have to come out and say it+ this is a good map ekkp forging alsaov...
Thsi map to better need a lot of detail - a lot more I mean, I can't even tell you what need to be vfixed on htis map because there isn't much of...
Secent- I created them ap La Sliding Door and Jungle Gym which were good map overall.
Ths is a goodmap one of the best mini game map i've ever seen there is nothing wrong with this map it's perfect.
Ths is a good game but, in the old version when pac man picked up a item weren't the gost suposes to reyurn o therei boxes to start attacking again.
Ths is a fun game- where do peopel find all these old mine games.
Lol I know what it is- I know a realy good way to build this map here's what you do pust a goalie stuck at each ends of the field traped and being...
You could of done a lot better wit this because you could of taken your time making the maps not just makeing them in one hour you should of taken...
I don't realy like this because it's dard to kill peopel and isn't that fun looking- what you should do is make the ramps wider for easier kills.
Ok well first you should start at looking at forgingb 101 videos to get better first.
Thwe map is good but, this is a map hwere I have heard comments of it being messy and thrown around - items other than the gate, What I think he...
Ths is a good map + good use of Geo merging objects with the terrain.
Yay this is a goo map that keeps the action alive in people to keep fighting and is well focused in thee middle o the map with sniping spots.
Dosne't it make everyone map better- flotting items, well almost everyones maps but, good point.
Stopp posting items not related to the map this map is food and your just making a bad figure of it.
Yay the bank - if you want it to be good has to be huge- I mean it so hat name couldm atch the description that is what you have to do to get a...
Thi map is great and is a very good map without anything wrong with it and good use of interlocking man.
This map dosen't make that much sense especialy in your description and I would retype or add to that and I think one of your pictures arent working.
The pics were not showing very much detailr I would take morep ics + better omnes with more detail + action i n them+ the map it's self looks...