oh i miss understood. what are they based on?
cool ill check the video out. what website are you putting it on again?
well i have gimp and photoshop but im not that good with them! i used to watch those videos called " you suck a photoshop". you should look them...
looks like a nice map but you should probably make the walls higher because it looks like if you jump on one of those columns you could just...
how do you make those?
WOAH! thats gonna be my rank some day!
i like vice admiral the best
the only one i liked was the last one the others kinda look like you just took a few screenshots with the nova effect on but the last ones cool.
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-discussion/79099-citadel.html here you go ! happy now? ( i edited my post )
wow i think this is the first mlg map i have seen on rats nest and its actually pretty good at that! im gonna give it a 5/5 because i know how...
and i don't think assholes like you should have the right of free thought you see your the kind of person who thinks there **** doesn't stink and...
god your so funny! i forgot to laugh. you see i would like to make a snapper come back but you seem like someone who would ban me for having a...
alright i just want to ask some of you people if you think the way i do and that is. recon is extremely OVERRATED i mean seriously whats...
thats why i wouldn't show off my recon if i had it (even though i hate recon) but like natu said you should try reporting to xbox live i mean i...
this would probably belong in forge discussion but to be honest i could care less and yes theres a map like that its called gallon ship or...
well i haven't really done any research but if citadel doesn't have a skull that would probably be why it doesn't get attention because most...
i played the demo for this game and all i can say is im defiantly going to buy it! i love blowing up buildings with bazookas !
yeah i am thinking about it. right now i use programs like blender to learn how to model and add logic switchs and java script just for fun but...
well i have never played quake 3 so i can't really say if its a acurate remake but it looks really cool and a fun fast paced game the only thing i...
really?were can i get soem of these "waffles" ?