i had the idea for the spining objects the first time i was in forge and im glad somebody else thought of it to! i made a jumping game that uses...
that would be cool if there were spherical items in forge that were permanent . thats something i wuld like to see along with AI in maps
dude i can't wait for odst to come out i love playing horde in gears of war 2 and this looks allot similar so im expecting allot. plus i heard...
our love is forbidden! they won't let it.
hey my account got h4x0r3d to but i managed to change the password and recover my account before they changed it.
yeah it looks like a recreation of showdown to me! actaully if i was you i would try converting this to a infection map! it looks like it would be...
im making on like this for duck hunt but it is really annoying getting all the jumps to work! but im sure you know that. looks like it may be hard...
happened twice by the same person and every time i strike back he just makes a new account and hits me again.
dude that will be the next Martyrdom or juggernaut if you ask me soooo many people would ***** about it they would end up removing it. but nice...
hi ! i have recently run into some trouble with my xbox and decided that if my account gets stolen again than im going to consider buying a ps3...
well i got a D in spanish so im pretty sure you asked if i want to play **** zombies with me? if i had COD 5 i would but i don't sooooo saaaad...
looks cool but.....STOP WITH THE HUGE LETTERS! i mean it doesn't make it any easier to read! but other than that maybe you could put some soccer...
yeah one grenade jump and your out! i would suggest making a gametype with increase gravity and increased speed that way players can't get out but...
looks good but you really need more pics but from the video it looks good but some people just can't seem to press play so more pics would be...
the third base looks kinda like a mine shaft and that i like also very nice geomerging! i never geomerge because to be honest im not good at it so...
i like this one its so majestic looking and for some reason it makes me thirsty for grape kool aid? wierd.... but i think i might get into...
dude i loved the game medevil for playstation one . it was the first game i ever beat i would probably still play it today if i had a ps one or 2.
what game engine are you using to make this? do you have any pictures? sounds interesting but pics would be nice.
ooooh ok i see now ! well good luck with that ! im going to bed....me so very tired.
sounds interesting so if im right its a machinama? because if it is than that would be a relief to see some on games besides halo -_-