thats determination right there! i like fire but not that much.... well evidently she wanted to die but now all she has to look forward to is a...
fear: made me jump a few times bioshock: just has an erie feeling doom 3; random flying dead bodies is always cool thats all i can think of.
well when i started forging well i still do just start of a map by throwing all sorts of objects around the map intill my budget drys up then i...
not that orginal of an idea but i like it it seems well balanced unlike other maps ive play of this type and forging is also well done i think ill...
showing your faith isnt bad but i would recommend leaving it out of your map because im sure that somebody will find a reason to be offended...
that was the first thing that cam to mind when i saw this map to! i really like the looks of this map because im a fan of maps that make you...
this map looks really good from the pics but i think it would be cool if you put teleporters in the gate to teleport you into the cypt and im sure...
very hard? ill have to test that . i have it queved for download and ill be back with and updated opinion but from what i can see this looks like...
yeah that would be fun as hell but itll never happen because just think about all teh variables they would have to overcome to make that possible .
over compensating .
i would have spent a few extra seconds around his body if you no what i mean ;) but jokes about necrofelism aside that happens to me often so its...
for the most part you right and i guess i should have put a recommended party size to this map but this maps should be played with i say about a...
dude i downloaded the map and tryed going trough the ball return system and when i looked down and saw what was in the mid level i laughed my ass...
thanks for the comments guys! i appreciate it!
GHOST CITY created by : x12 inch winner game type required: ghostbuste 2 hello everbody ! i made this map because i enjoy the game type ghost...
i really like the concept of this map and it looks decently forged but the gameplay i have a problem with and that is theres 6 rounds and each...
im sure allot of people wont think thats you i mean i dont doubt its you its just most people still beleive in the sterotypes about female gamers...
yeah looks good. is that actually you?
dude im sorry but im gonna have to call you out on this one! the map bloodgulch was symmetrical with asymmetrical properties just like this map...
im sorry but this map looks way to simple i mean i have played maps like this but they have allot more playing space and are usely inclosed to...