Detain Created by nicjgoat Supported Gametypes: Slayer Flag KOTH Territories Juggernaut VIP Oddball Detain is asymmetric with the utmost...
hehe no problem! im not sure what merge you're talking about, but ill gladly show ya.
meh. great forging, everything seems really smooth. i got caught on the floor maybe once. didn't really like the games I played though. too much...
the plots are ridiculously small and open and the mancannon to sniper spawn isn't consistant (thats already frustrating the hell out of me)....
ewwwww deployable covers! i joke. hehe, this is probably the funnest map ive tested in the month or two ive been coming here. even with the...
this map is a super awesome forge. it really feels like an actual building rather than a pile of forge items. The layout is unique, some of the...
never have i seen ((9!!)) stories! amazing. i had fun climbing up to the top and jumping back to the bottom. strikes me as an ideal doubles map,...
head pain is ok. this is definitely shades of distortion, zeus (that map is awesome). everybody I've played with has mentioned it. just not...
merging like that warrants more than a DL. i have to play on this! Pushing things into the Foundry floor is so much harder than interlocking into...
i remember giving this a little test. i don't think we played for too long. it was hectic and fun and the barricade pile was great to camp under...
i went through and deleted all my foundry maps that aren't up to par to make some room today. this wasn't deleted hehe. its damn near a classic.
you made a 'hill'. thats awesome! this maps looks really clean. Ive seen the blinking red lightning in your sig like 20 times and been like "i...
this is all types of cool! i dl'd this last week and still haven't got around to a run through? congratz on the feature. this map is totally...
going through this in forge, my friend and I got into it and played 1v1 for like an hour (on the same team!) . . . awesome forging. we'll be...
your map name is vicious as all hell. way to utilize the front bases. can you get up on those high platforms? i see an open box up there which...
what a map?! merging like that is painstaking! this is fine forgehubbery. everything looks clean and tighty. the top does look kinda open, but...
these pics don't do the map much justice. going through it in forge, i started having fun all by myself!? this is a great map. the hole in the...
nice! this is all types of awesome. not usually big on symmetrical maps but this looks great and doesn't appear to have that 'arena' feel. Ive put...
Richter Created by nicjgoat Map Description *After the earthquake, advisors refit the station terminal for simulations. 2-8 players* Richter...
ive never had much luck with teleporters. they tend to make my boxes go all screwy. weapon holders too.