great map; awesome forging but their could be some spawn kills
this looks like a great map for slayer and its ok considering its on cold storage; the lilly pads are a great idea instead of just using a tele or...
nice amp but it could use some fusing and merging to make it better; this map looks like itd be great for oddball and snipers; good for close...
this map looks like a great map for crzy king and slayer but make a v2 without the shield doors as they could promote campin especially in crazy king
you barely placed anything this isnt really a map all it is is sandtrap; also for any other map u want to post make sure to add more pictures you...
nice geomerging and everything but i like someof the creative apsects of this map; ex: the stariwell with the fenceboxes and the fusion coil...
nice changes; i like this better than the first and will be DL'ing it as soon as i go delete a map so i have less than 100 lol; but over all nice...
hey first relpy yea; its a cool map especially since no one forges on cold storage with the lack of objects; keeping that in mind its a good map...
i dont like conquest maps that much but i have to appluad this map; it has great symmetry as well as merging; this map may change my mind about...
great map; i like the sniper posts and the curved roofs; great fusing; but my favorite thing was the barrels with weapon holders to create...
this has to be one of the best slayer maps i have downloaded off of foundry and it is one of my favorites. great weapong placement fusing and...
not really a slayer map but it is another awesome star wars remake like the millenium falcon. i like the fast that you can go inside the ship...
to begin i love the map; the train looks real instead of just a block lol; also the weapon placemeant is great on this map but the sniper kinda owns
awesome new map guys; great for fat kid and other infection games; but this map gets confusing with all its twists and turns; it is fun thoguh...
very creative and i know its been out for a long time but now i finally get to put my opinion on it' at first very confusing and givbing me a...
great fun! i like this cause its like a new grif ball but with explosives! the areana is very nicely interlocked; the only problems with this map...
mice background story first off but the map is better lol; i like the top with that platform and house; i ifnd it cool how you made a sniper post...
out of all the racing maps i have played on this is definatly the best; i love the neat fusing but i especially like near the begining the...
ok well ill start off good; this map exactly resembles the real thing and if you want a replica of the POA bridge this is a definite DL; this map...