i agree on separate playlists... otherwise you'd have a lot of silly voting issues... (ragnorakragnorakragnorakragnorakragnorakragnorak) also,...
idk if someone said this already or not but... yay, SWAT next week! The Halo Bulletin: 11.8.12
ive done that too, when you capture all their bases in the start and then own them. i think its a really cool feature. their team has to be pretty...
from my limited experience so far, i've only noticed this problem being a huge issue on Erosion... the map i am working on on Ravine has not had...
i am angry at the landing pad piece right now. it has the same stupid beveled lips on it that the bridges do. GRRRRRR!
think back to H3 man... it really wasnt that massive of a headache. you just have to take the time to explain the rules before launching the...
honor rules may have to make a return. i dont see that as a bad thing personally.
cortana is super hot in this game. i wanna have sex with her just like how i wanted to have sex with the blue chick in Avatar. blue babes for life.
hate that ****. hopefully they'll go away when blops comes out, and their kill-whoring, objective-avoiding play styles can be more adequately...
calling it a half-assed game is pure sillyness. just because they neglected to include niche gametypes at launch does not make it half-assed....
untrue. noticed it at the start of forging my map. budget is only 1300 so far and it happens to col. walls too. dont worry, im sure you'll...
the "objects changing position" glitch seems to be back in full force. noticed it multiple times today, and it was pretty bad. honestly it was...
im on
bumper-tap version of nudging still works fine. its just not as good. the fact that there arent tiny gaps everywhere really helps
i agree with you about missing one flag and one bomb, but stockpile, invasion, and headhunter were all lame gametypes from Reach, NOT halo...
Halo 4 Midnight Launch - Imgur
something i noticed about the magnets that i really like is this: previously in reach, if we lined up two blocks next to each other, but not just...
i like calling it the guilty spark and yea, no... magnets are pretty useful, but also kinda awkward. gonna take some getting used to thats for sure.
yea but... the guilty spark does not sprint something else ive noticed is there is often detail on an object, and it looks like you can jump on...
we should have a funeral service for the missing things.