tap bumper + A simultaneously. also, there is no z-fighting visible on pieces that i have phased together by just barely on the edge to remove...
thats why you phase them together, like we have always done since halo 3.
it looks like you've put a lot of effort into this map. i am looking forward to playtesting it!
well said. i have no problem with the pieces, the lighting, or the maps at all. its the missing gametypes and glitches that i'd like to see...
Flat | Define Flat at Dictionary.com
i think that asking for a big flat space is probably the stupidest thing we could do, no offense intended to you. we've had people asking for a...
it suffers greatly from the old glitch where certain pieces turn dark and others are still light.
imo they should delay the weekly playlist updates for as long as it takes for them to patch the large amount of glitches and missing features in...
WOWWWWW.... when SJ mentioned that to me i thought he just meant the tiny rocks, not something THAT bad. that makes me hate ragnarok even more...
i wish they had made the Pit on somewhere besides Erosion... the textures look icky. some of the jumps are missing and the dimensions feel...
this still does not solve the biggest problem of recreating TOP ... the fact that we can detach the turret and walk around with it kinda kills it....
there are invisible ones. WOWWWWW are you ****ing kidding me...... the list just keeps getting bigger. that is extremely ridiculous...
i still like it better than firefight because it has different environments than campaign, and they are linear, as opposed to the little arenas...
i ran into the cap, it told me i was done for the day. then, a couple hours later, i played some more just for the hell of it, and i kept on...
but.... if you had a broken arm... you wouldnt be able to play more halos... that must have been a really good game to sacrifice halo for months.
nice, what map and gametype?
but... its not a train, its just crates. :'(
yeah, i noticed... this is one of the most disappointing things for me. i was really looking forward to erosion