ME and another friend already looked at this map and it inspired us to jump right into forge, i said to another friend when reach was first...
Like everyone else remakes are particularly intresting with me, we all get picky and trash when someone trys a remake that dosent work, but your...
I havent realy played many good custom game sin halo reach yet, so it looks like this one will be the first. i make a lot of custom games but it...
Every other remake i see the scale always seems to be off, and its apperant you thought of it too. This easly has to go on the top ten remakes of...
I think the structers look very nice from the pictures, and the idea of forging over the gap on the island i would probly would have never of...
Its actuly not Gojira because its not Godzilla, its Gogera. I think i understand what you mean by 2D and flat.
For a first "decent map" you missed your target and you made a great looking map, I love the way your map looks like staked platforms slowly...
Yah i had an issue with making a lot of cover on the top floors because there so narrow, but ive tested it out quite a bit and it dosent seem to...
Hay thanks a lot, i would like to be able to get it into Community big team but sadly the day for that passed a long time ago, and also if you...
I personly think for a first map its amazing well done, i would have believed this was a third or forth map(ya' know? when you are starting to get...
I liked foundry maps, i have remade a couple of mine myself, but getting down to it realy like it myself. Its a simple map but it also looks very...
Ill be the first to comment :p. First off one of my friends made a map kind of the same concept, but yours is actuly built well with plenty of...
I think that its an amazing idea making a map with a bridge across the middle and your ascetics look pritty sweet, but i see a couple issues that...
lalala it remindes me of halo:CE, it looks realy cool and fun, i like to make maps with cliffs too, im going to leave now
I cant believe i dident notice this sooner, i love when people forge awesome invasion maps and concepts. The space ship looked amazing but then i...
I like that you are btinging back a map that to this point has been largly over looked, and you did a good job at it too. One other thing i like...
I myself forge a lot of btb maps and i have to say i really like how you where able to make some points of the map look like close quarters...
Hay i just wanted to say thanks for your comments on my maps, your maps are some of my friend's and I's favorits.
I feel kind of stupid, i forgot until just now that i set it up for CTF and i think Assault. Thanks for reminding me. :P
I encountered that issus while testing the map, so for example i made the rocket only have 2 shots and the respawn time be around 150. But i do...