It was not cold. It was the warmest. Families gathering and enjoying each other, regardless of any religious significance to them, is a toasty...
The creators of the game(Gearbox) say just over 17 million weapons. 60 billion?!
Some may say that PBS leans left, especially on the radio.....which it does. Taking a position on a story when reporting it is unavoidable...
The way someone celebrates a holiday and the reasons for celebration should be completely flexible to the person. Holidays have become more...
Yeah, I saw that. I didn't know who to contact or if it even if could be changed. So thanks. The confusion is probably because a guy named...
I think you meant most biased there, but if not then I have to disagree. [IMG] Oct 2009 PEW Poll This is a Fox News Poll from October as...
You didn't have to change it. I do like the new avatar better though, and I think it will serve you better if your goal is to get people...
It's a little too open, you might want to add some cover. Also I don't see any weapons. Srsly: Looks good. Definitely passes for a lot...
What can beat a planet full of unicorns? YouTube- Planet Unicorn Theme Song
What reaction do you believe that phrase is meant to invoke from the viewer? "Jesus died so you could live." When it's used as a recruitment...
3dCombine 3dcombine is a cool one I've been playing with. It converts 2d pictures and video into 3d. You need at least a pair of those red/blue...
I agree with that. If we have choice we should never destroy extraterrestrial life to make room for our own. We most likely will be faced with...
Re-read my original post. Exploring and settling worlds with native life on them puts us in the roll of alien invaders. I was raising the...
Sci-Fi is usually the first place to broach questions like these. Long before we've discovered a planet with life on it, we should be thinking...
Europa If there is any life, it's microbial and in some sort of dormant state frozen beneath the surface. The other question that's raised if...
Don't make us fill in the blank there. What exactly did you do with a coke bottle?
Short Week Mondays just don't seem as bad on a short week like this. I have Wednesday, Thursday and Friday off, so this feels more like a...
I'm not sure what you expected to find upon returning. This is a debate that will continue indefinitely, long after no one even remembers what...
Pretty simple debate focussed on this current issue. U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder, has announced the administrations plans to bring 5...
Tutorial I'm sorry. I don't have time to do a tutorial, but I'm sure you could figure it out with a little reverse engineering. Just go into...