I LOVE Oracle, but the Block food one... well, it's creative, but I feel the blocks are a bit to big. Maybe move them back a bit, put more in, and...
Here are a few ones I made. The Needler [IMG] This was taken in a Lone Wolves game. I came in 2nd. Cyro Stasis [IMG] I several...
Well, there being only a few Plasma Batteries, I couldn't do this so well. I'll try again, like Orange said, with vehicles, and see how it turns out.
If they did that, than it would be stored on the Hard Drive, then people could transfer it from Drive to Computer, than make it publicly downloadable.
I've heard that if you unlock Recon, it doesn't appear on the original Halo 3 Disk. Is this true? Because if so, I'll take my Mythic Disk with me...
OK, because in Metroid Prime: Hunters, there's a character named "Silux."
I'll join. GT: Souperintendent Age: 14 Occupation: Equipment and Grenade Salesman
Hm... it seems inventive enough, but I don't see how well the gameplay would work out. I mean, why get in a Mongoose when you can get in a Tank? 2/5
Here a couple out of me. Not my best, but decent. [IMG] [IMG]
Nice Job making this onto Matchmaking! I loved this one once I knew what it was! Great job. 200/5
Now for the feature presentation... Map #3: Hesitation (The Flappy) On this full sized Sandbox map, there are Ghosts, Equipment, Rifles,...
OK, so I have a cousin, The Flappy, who is quite good at making maps, and so am I, so we put this together. Enjoy. Map #1: I Don't Wanna be on...
I like the pose a bit. Like Meta said, I believe Poses > Effects. Meh, 3/5 though for not having much else.
Sweet map! Nowadays Mini-game maps are nothing but puzzles, so I'm looking here.
I can't see anything because you've exceeded your Bandwidth.
Is this named after the dude from Metroid Prime: Hunters?!
This looks like a sweet map. However, you said "You can't camp on them I think..." then said "As soon as you touch them they fall!" In other...
I didn't want to embed it because then the quality is reduced to, well, that. Click on it twice to see it in better quality.
Let me start off by saying that this is a Halo Custom Edition Machinima. A spinoff of the first level of the game. This takes place in the other...
Where's the Zebras?