Nice use of angles and the Man-Cannon! I would've never thought of it!
Weapon or Vehicle?: Weapon Name: Knife Creator: Human Type: Melee Description: Do I need to describe it? It's a knife! Sgt. Forge uses it in...
If I knew what that was I'd possibly give it a title. Good job, though.
I LOVED THAT GAME. I still have it, but no one plays it on XBOX LIVE. Well, the occasional ONE person is on, but otherwise, not much.
Does anyone know how to get the Stealth Bomber Emblem? I know it involves the Stealth Bomber Killstreak (Get it X amount of times?) and I've...
Mission: Snowmobile Race (I Can't Remember what it's called) Time: 1:09.35 Difficulty: Veteran 1:10 ONLY 65 Milliseconds more and I would've lost...
[IMG] It matches!
Well, I was in the time for a new Gamertag, and I looked for "Superintendent". That was taken. I looked for a letter(s) to change so I could get a...
Well, I for one HATE the AA-12. Riot Shield Thumper Throwing Knife Flashbang Grenades Marathon Cold Blooded Commando (Pro) Martyrdom
43-44, M16 with Holographic sight. Need I say more?
Wow, this kid should learn how to f*cking talk properly before he tries to act tough on Youtube. He reminds me of my little brother, who is not...
Example: Name: M16A4, "Custom 1" Description: Great at killing anything. Primary Weapon: M16A4 -|Attachment(s): Red Dot Sight Secondary...
I hate how you can spawn in front of a camper, but he comes around the corner and wipes everyone out. However, the game is enjoyable when it is...
I really don't see the point of this unless you were to zoom in on the guy, and even then it still isn't too impressive.
The Third Eye: The Skull's way of finally flipping us the bird.
OK, so in MW2, there are title cards. I like some of them, bust most of them I either haven't seen nor have I unlocked them. Does anyone know how...
No MP40-stand-in eh? GOOD. I've been using my M4A1 like a beast, and when I get "Bling" I'll have a Heartbeat Tracker and Shotgun/Grenade Launcher...
Painkiller replaces Juggernaut, but you only get it for death-streaks. I'm only a Level 10, and I am new to the Modern Warfare series. Will...
Do you imagine how much that would f*ck you up? I feel that the Motion Tracker-Visual aspect is perfectly balance. And what's the Fusion Cannon?...
OK, where is it?