Um... can you ban me, please?
I thinked of my grammar being moreover than these one to do this. You really needless to go there to being one offed my profiling.
Go away!
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Put your socks on your head. Both of them.
The first one, Preparation, needs more lead room for the Elite. Also, the second one, Parry, is a little too bright around the Elite's head. Other...
You're right, I did own that thread. It was locked, however.
sure, bro.
Network Test 1, a.k.a. Generator Defense, comes out Friday, May 14th, most likely at 11:00 AM PDT. Source: Bungie.net : Halo Reach.
Alright, so lemme get this straight; you'll be inviting all of your contacts to a conversation, i.e. the class, on Skype tomorrow at 4:00 PM EST?
Well, let's change things up a bit... meet me by that fermented kitten over there.
Invasion is live!
Let's get naked.
Invasion should go live today at 11:00 AM PDT. Source.
HEY (in prepubescent voice)!
Teh Epac Ninj [img]
If you somehow managed to get into the beta early, then you probably know how hard it is to find a proper team to play it with. I've created this...
I managed to get one ten minutes after the blog post :)
Grab Bag - May 3 Free For All - May 3 Arena - May 3 Invasion - May 7 Network Test 1 - May 14