looks great, but more pics would be nice.
the gate is awesome and It is nice that cover spawns for zombies when it takes to long, nice job.
The pics don't work, I'll download the map and tell ya what I think. Don't worry, I'll just edit this post.
if it's meant to be non-interlocked then it's great, but there are to many power weapons, have more standard weaponary.
I can't tell alot out of the pictures, but this is open and that's too open for infection, though I think the geo-merging is great.
this here looks really amazing has everything again, geo-merging, interlocking, balanced weaponary, great spawning system and perfectionized in...
everything in this post is perfect, the map, the screens, the forging, special features and balanced weaponary, this here is a pro-forger.
from the new pics I can see that there is nothing special, just weapons and barricades, try light effects and better balanced weaponary.
can be better, make it unescapeble and have a roof, make good details and something special.
nice map man, I see alot of interlocking and a selfmade dome with balanced weaponary, great job.
I like the light effects, but 1 shot kill with 3 machine gun-turrets is not the best idea ever, nice try though.
the pictures are small, but I'm not blind, the map is very plain and overpowered, try making a new version that includes: -more and improved cover...
first pic= extremely plain, the rest I see is open without cover and alot of powerweapons (for example 2 sniper rifles and 1 beam rifle together...
It is better than the first version of course, though I can still imagine how frusterating it would be to be killed from behind over and over...
sweet a puzzle map, these days I'm always bored when my english/american friends are sleeping, because there its like 4 AM and here it would be 9...
It's not bad at all I must say, but not favored. The interlocking is good and the general is also good, but no special things to say about it,...
god this is a great map, MAJOR amount of interlocking and is perfectly balanced, great job.
great job, a assasin's creed map, you don't see that every day on forgehub, I like that there are a lot of things to find out, great job.
looks like a great remake, only some of the walls are sloppy and the brigdes that lead to the center should be diagonal.
I've seen this before and I'm glad to see it again, great forging is showed here.