the map is very amateur, there are shield doors everywhere and I can't feel the design, feel it man, feel the design, though the forging skill is...
damn, that is some good stuff there, I love hybrids they include tons of epicness and new gameplay and that is very special, I'm gonna download...
the map is very impressive with it's eye for detail as we say, this could be a majorly awesome map in the infection list, I'll have a look...
Dude, just to help you out there, save and end/quit (lol it should be end not quit elseway you won't get far) is not inaccurate, you just have to...
Can I just give my Opinion on that in a soft way.............: OMFG WTF BBQ (barbeque, lol.....) !!!!! IMO this map is FTW, I've seen this...
The map is neat for the most part, though there's a splaser and a sniper rifle very close to each other and some part are terribly sloppy and the...
Everything is extremely well interlocked and the gameplay looks awesome, I'm gonna have a try and come back laterz, anyway great job and I would...
thats a genius map right thurrz, I love the gost rising, I know how you did that: -movable objects can't be interlocking, so they will go through...
dude, the map is small, very small and there's loads of weapons like in your other map, storage, you should test the gameplay alot and ask what...
What We, there's no we, there's not gonna be a you and me, never, I love bungie's maps, speak for yourself. Btw to the OP: the map is good,...
wow, nobody has actually said anything about what he could change in his v2, so let me do the word: could use some interlocking at some...
man that wall there is a genius idea, it's a bit sloppy though it doesn't seem to affect the gameplay and the post is up to standards so great job.
You're not the greatest forger but you did do the gate nice although it seems to be sloppy as hell it's a good beginning for new forgers, next...
Mine is The Persister, most people said that I could bicycle long and fast, I actually caught up 4 kilometer of a trip of our school on my bike...
The interlocking is good, but there's not really much of a map, like one or two bases are the entire map, make support structures so it looks like...
Paintball is pretty original, but you should be able to have more areas to shoot not just in one line that makes it not fun anymore, It's nicer to...
Dude, you've got the good idea, but it does have the same design as the normal Predator map, you need interlocking and geo-merging, you need an...
It's a great up close and personal map, though I don't think a game of 5 vs 5 or higher works for this map and btw it should have interlocking to...
Gamertag: The Persister Time I'm online: as much and as long as I possibly can. Mic: Yes/No: Yes!!! Something describing myself: I'm...
It has got the proper idea, but definatly not the skill, you shouldn't put power weapons and power-ups together (shotty/camo and ovie/mauler) and...