Agreed bro. I have been looking for a nice halo 4 haven remake to go with my halo 4 adrift for a while Well done well done.
So now after all of this i have to remember... When you go on an upload spree... I need to go on a download spree. These are all fantastic...
I tried to make a map like this one once... It sucked Glad you can make maps that i cant XD
Beautiful man... Just gorgeous.If i could make maps like this i would probably be loved by all those i hold dear to me. And as im looking at...
Wow man have an upload spree :P These three that you made (figured id post on this one rather than all 3) look like the ones i used to make...
To be honest i dont think i have ever seen a competetive map where you put this one... Good job :) As for your halo 4 maps i cant wait to see...
I know what you mean by trying to finish these up before school. going into sophmore year of highschool things got to come up if i want to go...
Yah the layout is actually pretty simple. At the top picture you can see the two spawns popping out of the ground. The center brace is actually...
please just work this time its the 6th freaking time... Cauldron features: GL 2AR 2magnum 2nades [IMG] loadout cam [IMG] looking into the...
I like how the guard rails allow gernades to slip under them. Most maps dont have coo quirks like that :D
do not worry me boi... the 1v1 and the one i have this glorious plan for are symetrical. And now that you say this (and after some swat headed...
In or around buildings you say? kk then. floor needs more sustenance... or something along those lines. THE FLOOR NEEDS MORE FLOOR! So i need...
To the both of you. I want to thank you alot. This actually is my first map after i got xbox live. And this was really made with out feedback or...
Why halo thar (did you see what i did there) My hands are a bit shakey at the moment (this being my first map post on the forum) so i am...
He did say that the max players goes up to 4 so it is probably compatible and would make a great double team... especialy with only one legitimate...
What you did with the evade is an amazing idea. I would love to see that implimented in future maps, And i would deffinantly love to see this map...
Schnitzel why are all the maps you make so darn good? :D
This is deffinantly a worthy map of the 1 v 1 smack down (now i will never partake in this contest of yours) but i would happily vote for it
Congradulations this is my first post on this forum and you have the satisfaction of reading it :D all narcicism (sp.) aside... what if (now...