So this map is basicly super tiny narrows 2.0 Cause that sure is what it looks like :P The asthetics are fine. The ghost (even if you said it...
If you want to prevent rushing as well. add cover so they have to maneuver around everything. If you add a machinegunturret mount to the top of...
I feel like in some of the more open rooms there should be like a pillar or something shooting up from the ground to block maybe a little bit of...
I think there should be a banshee/power weapon in the middle, or a middle base. surrounded by some "SPIRE'S" from the natural category for covor....
I think i get it :P *giggitys silently to himself*
Looks very cage-esk could you post a screenshot of the inside box, that would be great. that is, if it is meant to be accessable
Pics are fine for me to. I think it might be on your end DEADGAMER
So can someone point me out to the proper thread that explains what the gamemodes for halo 4 are going to be? so i can keep up with this...
BOOM here is the link to the forge map. the very last one. Halo 4 Forge Maps Overview - yay now we know all 3 of the new forge maps...
I cant remember what video exactly but in an ign map walk through they hinted at teamsnipers when they talked about (solace maybe)
Sniff i feel so bad because. 1. i cant make maps as great as these, you are like seriously one of the best. 2. I cant say goodbye to reach because...
This is probably the load out i will use when i get halo 4 LOADOUT NAME: The Narfidian Super Loadout PRIMARY: Carbine SECONDARY: Boltshot...
Abandoned map is out. :P thought i would let you guys know :)
Feel like there should be mongeese on the map so if the attackers are well planed out they can push for the flag or go and grab mongoose first....
I just dont understand why you made it lol. It looks good but like srsly bro. Halo 4 is less than 40 days away. You baffle my mind
For sure man. We already got what apears to be a forrunner map so a big sort of Covy structure, (in space O.o ?) would be cool, as for a human...
Personaly, i would say the ability to shoot lazers out of my belly button that ive had scince i was a kid is the most greatest weapon ever but......
That grid idea is devious. I like it >:3 +1 DL for me to play with my friends
I feel like the asthetics are a bit jumpy maybe. compare the last picture to the rock wall in the 2nd picture, or the red alcove. Cant COMPLETLEY...
I think the concept is very nice but it needs more asthetics. i dont like the random crap hanging off the edge of the cliffs and the stuff that.