3 Editors, 8 people, 3 parts. YouTube - Crisis - A Halo 3 Montage : 3 Editors + 8 Players And, Playahata27 gets owned at 5:13.
Why are you staring at me like that? [img] The funny thing is, I had full green bar, and I saw the laser go through me, I felt my controller...
I actually found this funny. YouTube - How to Own Noobs on Halo 3: Episode 2
[img] Cookie for correct answer and lulziest answer.
I think this goes here... Every time I try to open Bungie.net, the login.live site opens and refreshes rapidly until it says "cannot sign in."...
While browsing through my recent screenshots, I found a couple gems in the rough. Hope: [IMG] Untitled: [IMG] Don't Ask: [IMG] C&C
These are some shots taken in the blue room of Snowbound underneath one of the bases. Comments and criticism please. [img] [img] [img] [img]
My friend Chris489 (Babassu) and I made this together in the cave with the Teleporter inside on Avalanche. It was made with 2 Spike grenades, a...
You'll either be disturbed, or just laugh. Or both. YouTube - Socksual Innuendoes
No video, just game details. 33 Kills (1st place): Bungie.net : Halo 3 Game Details Killing Frenzy (1st again): Bungie.net : Halo 3 Game Details...
Originally posted by video description on Youtube: Just for future reference, never take a weapon that's rightfully mine This is me being me, in...
Last Night me and Cr0ok3d were messing around on Ghost Town and I think we got some decent shots. Vote for which one's the best. And please tell...
Just so you know, I'm not a GFX person, I'm just kind of bored with XBL being down. Guess what program I used. Circuitry [IMG] Circuitry Text...
Treequest v3 Map Download Link: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Conquest Download Link: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Treequest v4 is my...
This is the discussion thread for Halo 3: ODST, and Halo: Reach. Please discuss the games and what you think of them here. Info: [spoiler]...
Have you seen this commercial? [spoiler] Well, I'm thinking of making a gametype based out of it, where the zombie's the Irish guy, and the...
These are some screenshots I took on casual campaign mission on the mission, Floodgate. Please comment, and tell me what you think. And, also vote...
These are some Orbital shots I took on the "top" the map. When I say top, I mean out of the map, and on top of where inside is. I guess I'll just...
SPEED ATTACK!!! Basic Description: Tired of MLG? Fed up with getting owned by 50s? Bored? Well then this is the game for you! Summary:...
Possibly the first on Construct. This is basically a ninja skills, challenge course I started in early March, and put off for a while. I...