Now this map is really good and seems like it would play-out just fine. I like the stairs and the entire map is pretty clean. Now it seems to me...
I like the map, it is very clean and is pretty original. Now for me i dislike teleporters in competitive maps! Also the fact that they only lead...
This is good, is it completely playable? Now the dragon, does it have anything to it on the other side? More pics was the hint i has giving!...
In overview pic number 1, the walls and such look sloppy. Now for a map like this you have to be very neat, as straightness is what you are...
he map is very nicely forged and has a great idea. Though you said that you wanted most of it to be destructible, but half of your map could move...
Hey the map sounds good but you have non-working pics. Now I see someone has already posted how to, but if you look under the forum..." how to...
wait...... how would you know whether i was Irish or not!..... and btw i am! That was also... OUT OF NOWHERE, i am Irish
Pretty clean map, sloppy in some parts, but good! I like the sniper posts, but the people running down below have no overhead cover! The merging...
I love when people come up with things like opposite of foundry, upside down foundry, but..... this one is too good to be default foundry. Now...
I do not like the pelican, because it is not original, and is not the greatest. The phantom is not to attractive on the OUTSIDE, but the NSIDE...
nice location..... just nice!
First off, I love the people who rate this as... "poor"! Well whoever was in he vid, was very good! K, the map... It is very clean and it looks,...
...... did a lot to it, I mean that huge structure I was making!.... it is sweet, starting and trying to make perfect a bridge platform inside...
Wow you responded, well it was a nice map, but maybe next time if you know how do those "skill need" forge things go out and do them. If you have...
Wow.... I read it all! The map looks great. Besides amazingly forged maps, these kind of infection maps are second best. The gametype is so...
This is a good, clean map for the most part. The teles are something I never liked in maps, but you have tested them so, they are probably fine...
... dude you are a trainee and you got on the front page... NICE, good job!
dude you are a premium and have only 1 friend.... usually good forgers are liked A LOT! just saw this and that you were on the front page......
Hey it looks good. I like the back sections of foundry the merging is very clean and took skill! I do not like, at all the random doors and...
Now in the first pic it looks a bit sloppy! Now if there is a reason that some things are two-sided but not symmetrical, tell us! That brings me...