*runs to corner*... (scared about stalkers)....!
that's o.k.!
I must say I am very very impressed that you truly took what we and I, said about the first one and fixed it! I liked the layout of the first one...
no I asked questions about your map, because I think I was trying to make a point that you needed a longer description on your post, I think that...
and, how does where I live decide who my ancestors are and where they lived (Ireland).............. point proven or not!
happy b-day and i might lose my x-box.... mad bad grade so the sooner you get on the better, and what is your exact problem!
Now I like the barrel room, it is very new! I like the layout and the multiple floor race track. I do not like the sloppiness or the little...
dude how the x-box?
I can say that I like the layout, the gameplay, and the actual map. The thing I do not like is the lack of forging techniques put into this map!...
Sorry to tell you this but it is pretty unoriginal, and is not as clean as this one guy ho has three different maps like this! I would suggest...
This map seems very open. I like the train but by far not the best out there. I would say that you should look up how to geo-merge in the...
um, for that one map on blackout I would not mind you just walking through it! Still if you do not want to you do not have to! I also am going...
I never asked you for help.... did I?
Hey your map Northern Lights, is A-M-A-ZING! I was wondering if you could, do not have too, but if you could get a video of it and send it to me!...
This is really good. The regular merging is great. The geo-merging is pretty amazing. The layout is the best! Now I have seen videos breaking...
I am scared to comment on this map! The tripods are at my front door! O.k this looks pretty dam amazing! Now I like the tripods a little do...
This map was good when I first saw it. Now i liked the idea and the map. Some hard merges are in the map and the idea on FOUNDRY! wow great...
The idea is a great one at the least. I like the smoothness of this map, and the bridge sections! The gameplay seems very fun and completely...
Can I just add that he did not Geo merge anywhere.... If you see it tell me!
This is great... I like the time I can see that you spent on this map! It has some hard merges... (the angle boxes). This map looks clean in...