Wow you .... are a great forger, I was bored and clicke=ing random things, and somehow ended up clicking Blood Fires sig and it led me to the...
First off I like the layout, but not the design. This map is showing me that you do indeed know how to interlock, but you need to spend time on...
Now you can see the whole map in one pic, but in no absolute way can I see details! Hint hint, more pics! This map looks good and the fact that...
First off, you know how to geo-merge and interlock, so why am I locking at a pretty sloppy map? This map seems to be very thought through and to...
Wow this looks really good! I think that your post is utterly outstanding! The descriptions leave me with no questions! I do have something to...
......... wait arn't you a girl, if so why would you make sweet love to my..... wait you are teh lesbo?...... oh jeeze!
Ok there seems to be a lot more to this map then the pics are showing me, that my friend is a problem...... hint hint more pics! I like the...
I thought this was already featured.... whatever! This map is just a example of the skill and potential everyone can get to in the forge! It...
Now this post is very very short. It has a few pics better than none! The descriptions should be longer, as I know nothing about your map as I...
This looks really good. It looks clean in all the pics I can see. I love the layout, and from the looks of the pics the gameplay would be fun...
O.K. you must have thought this out, so good job on that. You were kinda funny with your pic descriptions, so rofl to you my friend rofl to you!...
First and foremost, you have nailed all the forging techniques... ha-ray! Now, the map looks neat and the aesthetic are quite a sight to see....
This looks very good! I like any map with a complicated underground system, though this one is not that easy to understand! I really, really do...
This looks, well simple. You know how to interlock, but it still seems kinda sloppy! I like the layout and the actual track, but not the make-up...
This looks very thought out, though the turrets seem to be un-need in any game type! I like the usage somehow of epitaph*. This map seems fun...
Now I was a bit unimpressed till ,I think I saw, a geo-merged bridge on STANDOFF! Otherwise the scorpion seems unfair to any side that gets it....
I like this, most of it. The back part of foundry, defenders base, is the best part I think. The merging there just surpasses any of my skills...
Looks really well made! It seems to be flawless in 95% of the map. Gameplay as I see it has 0 flaws, it will be very entertaining! I like the...
This looks really fun. Now no forge techniques are used and somehow I still like it! I like the time you spent thinking about certain areas of...
I gave it 75% because it is escapable and needs to be interlocked in a lot of ares! I like the layout. It seems to support fun gameplay for most...