It looks like it could be fun. If you need a tester add me. GT- Ultrainium
Does any one know any good Halo Reach 1v1 maps? In Halo 3 I could always play Guardian. But in Halo Reach it doesnt seem like there are any good...
please? I hate those things sooo much.
I dont like how their is only 1 drop shield on the map. I was playing with my friend and only one of us could use it at a time. So if we both made...
My favorite puzzle map out so far. It was very challenging. A few friends and I completed it in about 30-45 min. I hope you make another soon....
Any thought of making the track thinner? It's too hard to knock people off.
If Im wondering how good someone is then I'll check their MLG rank. Anyone can get a 50 in TS, or TD. IMO LW is based off spawns, bad maps, and...
When you are playing with level 30s in MLG you can expect them to know everything about the game. As you get to a higher level you should expect...
I got a few low level accounts that i could help you with. Ill add you
The midship remake! Why wouldnt you want this?
This looks like a great map. I just downloaded it but I need some people to play it with. If anyone is playing a big game of this then invite-...
I now know how to steal your maps. Just kidding.
I went to meadows last year. And I was going to go to dallas this year but I didnt think my team was ready so we are going to go to Anaheim. I...
I like MLG a lot because of everything about it. then Team Snipers when I get a little bored of MLG.
i like it a lot. I havnt played cops and robbers on it yet. But i did run through the map. I like the whole prison, especially the jail cells. I...
Seems like it might be fun? I gve it the DL and whoever wants to play add Stranded Bison I ran around by myself for a little bit as the juggy....
I didnt say you have to rank higher to avoid trash talkers. I said the higher level you are the higher level of competition. If you are playing...
I run in to trash talkers in MLG no more than any other Ranked playlist, besides squad battle. No one really trash talks in squad battle.
Just be friendly and show them that you want to win and they for the most part wont be mean to you. also what part of MA are you from?
Could you guess where TOP MID is? Some people are very competitive. They don't want to loose their rank and just want to win. Some of them are...