The maps are epic, but. . . YouTube- Hitler Learns How Much The Map Pack For MW2 Will Cost :D
They better well fix it soon. ATM it wont let me play on the stimulus either D:.
I'd do it, but it really depends at what time as i'm going out quite a few times that weekend.
I'm not going to buy ODST, 1. I wouldn't play it. I'm getting JC2 soon. 2. Buying the game purely for a beta that will remain exclusive for 3...
that's what i was thinking, just quick/no-scoping on really small maps.
YouTube- Ghost Recon: Future Soldier - Live Action holymotherofgodpwnage.
hmmm. 1v1 tourney anyone? :D
Just another easy way to get a nuke: 3/4 classes set up, and you'll need to be at least rank 45. 1st class -Primary weapon- Claymore/semtex...
YouTube- Call of Duty Online Parody LOL. Calebs a liar!
Thanks guys. I guess colour would've made it more dimensional, but i kinda screwed them up.
[IMG] Comments appreciated :D.
The text could be worked on, but it's a great piece, well done mate.
YouTube- Modern Warfare2 Map pack 'Stimulus Package' Exclusive GAMEPLAY Awesome song too :P. Apart from the price, i hope this is true.
haha, my frined used it just to get that awesome emblem! SnD sniper lobbys FTW.
SnD is better, if you play it right and with a good team.
Well, seeing as hardly anyone knows about this, when the game comes around and everyone's bored of BC and MW it will own. Simply. BC2 was hardly...
YouTube- Medal of Honor - Extended Announce Trailer (HD) Better version of the little glimps we got.
L96 + spas ftw :P. Sprayfest!
the crash pics? They are of capture the flag and headquarters.
YouTube- MW2 MAP PACK ~ IB IH IL . . .