yeay! :D:D:D.
Thank you. I know no-one really gives a ****, but the reason i don't post any more is because i don't know what to make. An 'inspiration thread'...
I can't believe you complain about how 'overpowered' AC130's and Chopper Gunners are. All it takes is 2 (for the CG) or 3 (for the AC) lock ons...
Yeah, and that also allows you to do 360's :D.
I love the Tar. I got my Master III for that the other day :D. Only need around 40 kills for my 'Your Fired: IV'! woop.
Barrett is great for QS, and personally i use 8, but it takes a while to get used to. You want a sensitivity of at least 5/6. The best way to do...
When you click save, it should open a new window/tab with it on. Then just right click and save picture.
report it to an XBL mod? I happen to have one on my friends list, if you need one.
I love going back on it every once it a while to mess around with elephant glitches, or with all skulls activated on the campaign. I'm bored of...
i think it's just short of a million every school night. I might be wrong though.
yes, so in a 1V1 if all three bullets were hit, the famas would kill faster, but it's harder to follow shots through with.
:O. Amazing find! You mind if i share it around?
FAL > all of the above :D
yeah. Some new bad guys are needed, Argentinians anyone?
If you didn't want to be disappointed, you should've waited. There are now hundreds of videos on EACH of the maps, and you could have decided from...
it costs less than a halo one. . . :P it's great, definitely worth it IMO. I'd suggest watching some youtube videos of the maps and deciding for...
yeah, they kinda did, but the video is awesome, no?
I cant wait for more XD.
yeah. and storm is OK for avoiding air support too.
Agreed. Skidrow is a beast map, if only more maps were like it. As for the map pack, Salvage is a great map. I haven't yet found a camper on it...