Hey guys, my PC is now around 5-6 years old and it's about time i upgraded, and i also want to use programs such as AAE and C4D, which at the...
This, and IMO the text looks like it is on a funny angle, i think if it were rotated anti-clockwise, and you transformed it with some perspective,...
hai .
yes? ...
It really depends on what course you take, and i'm pretty sure he has.
im going into year 11 this time so i've not got as much to worry about lol, but im going to get my results in a few minutes xD. So in English i...
WaW succeeded because of CoD4's publicity, and the fact that they improved upon it slightly. My point is, IW were the ground breakers, they made...
Blending and effects are beautiful, the lighting isn't too bad either, could probably do with a better light source. I'd like to see more in the...
Quite surprised it hasn't been brought up, but i'll just throw it out there, NFS Hot Pursuit. Personally, i can't wait for it. The last few NFS...
And the only reason people play MW2 is because of the map packs!? Good one. I wont even argue that, it's a waste of my time. The map packs are...
They gave more than Infinity ward? IW Developed the game engine, hell, did everything in the series up until CoD3. CoD4 was a complete...
OK, just calm down a bit. infinity ward Is pretty much dead, your right, but that's only because the nice guys over at activision have gone down...
Lol, yet over 13 Million people continue to play it! Trust me, the only people who hate it are all on forums. In fact, a lot of people bought...
I'm not going to go on about this in the thread, so i'll just keep it in VM's. (Black Ops MP Trailer Thread). MW2 Copies sold: Around 14 Million...
lol no it's no hassle, it's summer and the rain is pouring, i have nothing else to do xD. It might not be voice tho, depends if i can do it when...
Blendings great, can i see the tutorial you followed for that? xD. You've made the most of a bad render IMO, because MC is side on, it would...
Lawl, I'm going to be doing loads more Speed Edts, Tutorials and Video edits for people when i get my new PC and it can actually handle Photoshop...
See, that's where i'd have to disagree a bit. It's true CoD stays much the same each new game that comes out, but IMO that is down to treyarch,...
lol, Miraj requested i do it for the Ink one, i didn't really think about going through that one too :P.
YouTube - 2 Quick Photoshop Tutorials - Blending and a Signature Sorry about it not being widescreen, kinda messed up with the render settings....