I meant updated sorry, theres a new cover thats has plents instead if the dog.
Hey your in the awesome group!!!!!!!!!!!! yeh yeh yeh
Hey thanks man i really love it :] Like the new GIMP?
Hey did u get the new gimp? there is aa new cover (it has planets!!! awsomeee) WOrk on pic
Crestline and save as new document
Repsonse to Equiptment Gamplay: You are very right its all how you use it, and im adding in all the other equiptment today so i might change the...
As you are right, theres no best its just what time you use it and what it can do to help you. But in my thread its not exatly saying what...
Equiptment Gamplay
Here I be listing the importance of equiptment in map, and which equiptment effects gamplay the most. I hope this will help many of you when your...
Hey this was my reveiw on your equiptment thread. Well there are many diffrent choices for equiptment. I will be giving a brief desciption on...
Well there are many diffrent choices for equiptment. I will be giving a brief desciption on the Regenerator and the Bubble Shield. First ill start...
Hey is you working on the pic
Hey are you workin on it?
Ahh you made the font page
Hey thats pretty good especially when they all get in the banshee at once and flip it. Also very funny
Did linbidix get you? He has got so much people.
Ill be happy on the 3rd it will be a proud day. P.S ill laugh at at you on the 1st because youll be waiting to be un warned :]
mine nov 3