I agree with you completely Pegasi, its always nice to see something familiar yet unique enough to bring a totally new level of gameplay to the...
I still say you should move the idea more to the area of Alaska-Montana and the canyon, similiar to how Summit set its areas up,. You can still...
I totally feel you basket, Skyrim has dedicated its life to addicting me into becoming its ***** lately lol. I ended up creating a new character...
Ill have to check out Immure 1, I agree theres a lot of creative ideas out there. Some remakes are such a pain lol, some drive you to the edge...
Really loving the improvings Grenade, it looks much more temple like with the changes you made. Also like the improvements to the rocket room, Id...
Sure thing id be happy to add some screens, I'm trying to decide what the best place would be to work on something like this. So far im kind of...
Ill do a rough build up of some of the ideas you have given me about what your going for as well and see what you think when your back on xlive....
I agree for the most part, I dont like using colosseum walls as the highest level flooring I can never seem to get it to place itself level enough...
I like it! Gemini was one of my favorite maps from Halo 2, but it did have its issues atleast compared to how much gameplay changed from Halo...
Those are really nice pictures to start a idea around, reminds me a bit of a sketchup Nexn did a while back that was designed as a mini Atlantis,...
Welcome Hits, glad to see a new face on the forums as you seem like a good guy! And you will make plenty of friends dont worry :) just dont be...
No ones ever a idiot for asking a question about new forge ideas :), I've looked over around a hundred of the Halo CE maps on the site and there...
A smaller portion would be better on the budget and allow you to squeeze in aesthetics as you like, I'd say large enough for squad slayer would be...
CPU's are always a hard thing to really decide on, the customization is virtually endless, but as said it largely depends on the maps design. If...
That sounds really neat Hits, are you planning to add a water ripple effect flooring to it then? The Delta Halo Temple from Halo 2 reminds me alot...
Currently? Im juggling two remakes from GOW 2, Ruins and Sanctuary, for Foreign Treasures II. And im also putting together some finishing touches...
Oh I see :), I can probably send you some pictures of how the bridge looks in Gears 2, and the layout itself. Its the only issue ive come across...
I understand completely, and thats kind of how I feel as well. I had planned to build two remakes for the competition but the deadlines going to...
I've been out of the house most of the day, but send me a friend request GT: SilentRaine and ill be happy to join in on the fun. I took a peek of...
It's more or less the same as taking a picture or stated idea into consideration when coming up with your own, reimaginating in a sense. I do...