Thats understandable :), framerate can be a nightmare to a map of this size due to how many objects it really takes to make it appear like you see...
It looks really nice duster :), im glad someone else could find some inspiration to build something along the lines of a hybrid of back wash and...
It looks nice and accurate for the most part, I hate when remakes are done that were pretty much forced to use the railing pieces with the small...
The archways do look better using the door pieces, but they can suck up the amount you have available pretty fast like you said. I found it best...
This looks really nice! I especially like the clock towers I and use of platforms and inclines. You honestly dont see many circuluar appearing...
Aha so death pits can be aesthetic! That is all! :P I love this, especially the way everythings merged together in a very fitting and clean way....
Looks like a forerunner mining facility from the aesthetics and the design from what the pictures show, looks vaguely based off Heretic Campaign...
The map looks really nice, I'm not to much of a fan of MW3 but the map is fairly accurate for sure. My suggestion though would be just to replace...
Thats completely understandable, I've been a bit busy myself or in other words just sick haha. So ive had a few days to just ponder and design,...
This is really nice honestly, sketch up has needed a new forge world component collection for a while now, the other one has lots of issues and...
:) Totally understandable, I mostly do my map work at night since Ive had alot of busy days lately. And I'd say you can push budget pretty far...
Sorry :) I should of went into more detail and asked if you plan to add vehicles to the map as well? That sounds nice I'd be up for that tonight...
I think the ghost is a good idea from the way the map seems to be laid out itll play more like a power weapon but never be to powerful. Theres...
Sure is :), when your xbox died it took your gamertag with it but its the same SilentRaine. As far as aesthetics I like the look of it, and the...
Looks really nice, I especially like the middle structure. I cant wait to see whats planned for the rest of the map, I'm guessing this is a...
It looks really nice Berb! Im always a sucker for forerunner themes, and its nice to see another one has been released that features Invasion as...
Lol, I figured it was just some random person seem to get those at times. Same here, I figured that forge world itself would be nice and give...
Im really liking this Eight, it looks very clean and the pieces have been chosen well for the theme,. The purple fx fits it really well, and I...
You perhaps are able to post some pictures of the project Legend? Maybe able to tell more about what needs to be done :).
Im not quite sure who they are, but I also have reported them for inappropriate spam. Conversations are fine, but you shouldnt say things like a...