I like the look of the bases from what I see from the pictures they look quite accurate to the Waterworks bases you were going for. I love the...
If Im online at the time you decide to begin and such I will join in, its been a few weeks since I got to chill and play some customs. What do...
Its always the worst part of any project, just simply making it feel complete, and even though curves add more unique qualitys and better flow...
I will do a walk around for you today once I log on, if it is on your fileshare currently. Just seems from the pictures that the buildings need...
Looks like its turning out to be a nice design, I've worked on one similiar for a little over a year. Designs like this are pretty tough to smooth...
I think dust off is definately the better of the maps, I think you did a great job at blending the natural terrain and the pieces youve used for...
I know how that feels, I've had problems just designing one element of a current project. Simply put I hate designing circuluar atriums because...
Looks interesting, looks like alot of things were added mostly for aesthetics which could go good or bad which is why I'm guessing your looking...
Mm, I dont see it as a ending more of a going away for a while to work on some things in your life that are important to you. Any of use can...
So this is the map you mentioned to me a bit ago, I havent been around much lately but this looks pretty solid would have to take a peek at it in...
I have to say redemption this is really a beautiful design, I love how you implemented the curvature to the map to break up the box feel. I'm...
This map definately does have the infection feel and look to it, but If I think you should look into changing some piece use. I'm mostly looking...
I remember seeing a map preview of this not to long ago, its really come a long way since then for sure. Seems like you took all the advice given...
This.. looks so hawt.. I love the structures, so simple yet so forerunner in appearance. Looks very balanced as well, no height variation is to...
Im liking the inspiration, and that you pretty much forged the map as you saw in your mind. I like the aesthetics, I wish more maps were capable...
I'm really liking the improvements that have been made, mostly to the middle of the map itself. Cargo port always did lack routes in general which...
I'm not sure I understand the argument about pieces and their use at all, considering the limited number we are capable of using. Everyone would...
Sexi map is sexii.. Always loved this map in Unreal, and unreal has always put out some pretty wicked map designs. I like both your and skisma's...
I think it looks pretty nice, I like your use of pieces and think you have a good train of thought on your projects. The only thing I spot...
I havent got a chance to yet but I will now that you mentioned it :). And I'll do so I think it should turn out pretty well, are you planning on...