The map simply does not work as it is at the moment, theres no theme to it either, the bases are a variation of the Ice fields bases it would seem...
It looks much better naow, I'm glad you took the feedback and did positive things with it :) most people just dismiss it all together so great job...
It seems to large and open, I wouldnt care to be out anywhere near the middle of it, theres nothing to peek your interest there and no reason to...
If your going to work on getting some games on it Katan look me up, id be interested. Also play it on MLG or Halo 4 settings its just cake with...
The first time I saw screenshots of this beast my mind was blown, screw Halo 2 and LolAsylum, this makes them both look like a distant memory. I...
If I may give you a tip, never use the Large Ramps your using for the bridge they just look horrible unless used as walls for certan themes, use...
Im glad to see someone else using forerunner influence, I however would work on changing the main base a little more to make it feel more like...
Your welcome, I'm just trying to help you along with your design as it screams forerunner to me and I go geeky for forerunner themes. I wouldnt...
If im to be honest, and give you some good advice, on Avalanche it wasnt that the gravity lifts were there to look cool they were there to be...
This was a lot of fun and much different than other infection maps I've played for sure, it actually remained fun while playing as a zombie and a...
Sure thing, ill be on in just a second :) and thank you
In both Halo 3 and Reach, solid gameplay has been the most important goal, aesthetics however are generally important if your wanting players to...
I love anytime someone attempts something on natural terrain and is able to get it to the point there happy with it and are ready to show it to...
Looks like a neat map you have got here, I've been thinking of trying something like this on the island around the cave area. I'm glad to see...
Its nice to see you helping out and giving everyone feedback cluck :), looks like your points are really helping people with their designs and...
If I was going to change it up a little, I'd use either brace larges or ramp 2x2s to rebuild the spots your using the ramp bridges at. Could move...
While I wouldnt turn it into a room based design, I would still give it more structure, at the moment it seems somewhat lacking in structure. I'd...
Seems like you two did have the same idea :P, you both always seem to come up with pretty wonderful designs and I'm excited to see what the next...
Ill take a look at them and see which one catches my eye the most for you Eight, Im bored lately and have some spare time inbetween customs and my...
Ill takes a look at them pyro, I think a couple of the first ones listed I've seen before and thought they were good concepts and ideas. Whats...