Hey man. I DLed your map and gave it a spin in a 3v3. I must say, it really is awesome to play on. The pictures really don't do it justice. You're...
Thanks for all the positive comments everyone! I really appreciate it. The map's v1.0 will probably be done by the end of the weekend, with...
Like longshore? Well I took the BTB awesomeness of longshore and shrunk it down to a 2v2 map. The map is basically the entire defender's base...
It looks like a good concept, but the execution unfortunately seems flawed. Looking at the weapon set, it would appear severely imbalanced....
Thanks for your feedback. I know I have a hard time with unique structures. Maybe it's because I look at so many other maps and go "wow, that's...
If you could point those places out, that would be great. You also should remeber that it's made for 8-12 players, so there shouldn't be a clutter...
Map Name: Auric Map Canvas: Sandbox Map Size: Large Player Count: 8-12 Supported Gametypes: Assault, Capture the Flag, Team Slayer,...
I really like the oragami screenshot! It's original and nice looking. Others are like you sadi, a bit generic.
Here's the DL link-Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Description: Solar Plexus is my reimagining of the map Assembly. Everything in the original...
I assure you, that's what I was doing when it happened. As for the second pic, maybe I'll redo it. That name seems like a great fit. Thanks for...
I must tell you, it was a complete accident. I was picking up a camo and that ring just popped up, extreme luck. Also, if you have a name for that...
Wanderer [IMG] Revolution [IMG]
Ok. Thanks for the suggestion everyone. I guess I just like the bright look. I'll be sure to focus more on lighting for my next batch of screenies.
What's the problem? Too bright?
MLG Meadow MLG Crossfire MLG Amplify
The top three I'll be saving, so please tell me which 3 you like best. Blue Flare [img] The Arrival [img] Frostbite [img] Blue Fire [img]...
Ooh! I like the name crossover, so I think I'll be using that one. Thanks a bunch What's a Scope.
First of, I'd like to say it's really great what you guys are doing here. I'll try to help any way I can. So here's a name I think could fit a...
You don't necesarrily need bases for a map to be playable. >_> That's why I said try something different.
The map is great. Great aesthetic, bases are creative, fun to play. My only complaint is that I don't like snipers with 4 shots, seems like it's...