It looks a bit too much like a civilian vehicle to me. I'm betting it's not gonna make an appearance in MP.
The easiest way to make a truck like Meta's is to go into forge and dissect it. You probably won't be able to copy it without permission, but you...
I'm surprised the plasma launcher isn't getting more votes, that thing is so fun to use. The pro-pipe was a close second.
[IMG] I'm aware that the map is not set up for mlg, but I could make some changes to fix that. After all, you did say "mlg styled" in the op, and...
The aesthetics are really amazing, but I don't really see where gameplay is going. But I know it's a preview and I can't really see the map too...
The map not only looks great with the awesome geometry and railings, but it plays marvelously as well. Congrats!
While I respect your knowledge on the issue, I really don't think it's the case with this. I made sure to build this map so spawn killing from the...
It's not that I'm too lazy, it's just that it wasn't a big enough change to force me to wait until I can take new pics. The only part that isn't...
[IMG] Forged by: cartoonwolf Raze is my latest and greatest map, forged high above the sandy dunes in the sky box. The map is small and...
For me it seems that using more then one area of forgeworld in one map is a bad idea. There's just a huge potential for things to go wrong. I'll...
Sweet man. I can't thank you enough. It's awesome what you're doing here. I'll be looking froward to what you come up with.
I would love a video. Just a simple walkthrough set to a cool electric song. I really don't want to ask too much....
Really love this map. There is definitely a lot of creativity in this to make it work for Halo 3. A well deserved feature. Congrats.
It honestly looks way more like blackout then the pit. Not that that's a bad thing, just putting in my 2 sense. I'll be looking forward to seeing...
It is possible to jump from the columns to the middle jump, but it requires a crouch jump. While this would solve the problem, I would prefer to...
I do plan on testing a whole lot, so I'll try all the different options. Thanks a lot for your help and thanks everyone for your posts so far.
A laser can be quite the powerful tool in the right hands. I don't really consider a one shot kill to be useless, even with the charge time. I...
The maps is a small symmetric map built in the skybox. Right now it's about 75% done, with most if not all of the main structures built already....
I've downloaded the map yesterday and gave it an extensive forge-through. The map is obviously very small. You say it's intended for a 3v3 but I'm...
I downloaded the fist two maps as I'm really not interested in a Warlock remake (sorry) and I gave them a forge-through. Paladin- The map is well...